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Thursday, March 25, 2010

"Free" Republic?

You've all probably been privy to the recent news stories about the conservative blogger Mike Vanderboegh encouraging all conservatives to break windows to make ourselves heard (http://sipseystreetirregulars.blogspot.com/2010/03/to-all-modern-sons-of-liberty-this-is.html). If not, definitely go read it, but make sure you visit the rest of his blog as well. You will see that this is a man who means well, truly considers himself a patriot. I find it difficult to agree with his actions though. You all know I consider myself a Constitutionalist. I believe in what the founders wanted this country to be. I'm not happy with the current state of our country, and have not bee for quite some time. I sincerely dislike the antics of President Obama and his cabinet. Nancy Pelosi's smile reminds me of something that was carved on a pumpkin two Halloweens ago and is still rotting away on the porch (oh, AND I don't trust her at ALL). I find it very difficult, however, to commit acts of violence as a result of those beliefs. Freedom of speech does NOT cover broken windows and death threats, folks. And, as I told Mr. Vanderboegh, the media will make this look like a two-year-old throwing a tantrum because mommy told him to do something he didn't want to do. What happens? He throws his toy across the room and breaks it, resulting in a timeout. Does mommy change her mind? Nope. She just gets annoyed. These people who are breaking windows will get a timeout (in jail) and then conservatives will once again be made to look like crazy, war-mongering idiots. PLEASE stop adding fuel to their fire, folks. All you're doing is alienating would-be allies, liberals who are beginning to realize their "savior" may not be all he's cracked up to be. When we break windows, the liberal media and politicians alike sigh and give a collective tsk-tsk. It doesn't change things, and doesn't attract the type of attention you're looking for. Try to find something more creative and symbolic, and slightly LESS violent. The survival of the party, as well as the country, requires us to learn how to play fair. Speak! Write! March! DON'T throw violent tantrums and break things. It's counterproductive.

Freedom - true, honest to God, righteous freedom - allows us a shield when our opponents attack. It makes us feel safe from terror. It provides for us a platform to say, "I do NOT agree... I condemn!" It does NOT make it okay to strike fear into the hearts of our brothers. It does NOT allow us to take other people's right to feel safe from terror. It does NOT allow for threats to congressmen's families, or to cut a gas line on some one's house, or to break out windows. If you truly believe we are free men, you must live like free men. And free men protect the freedom of their fellow country men, whether they agree with them or not.

And for those of you calling for a civil war, consider what that would mean. In old times, it was North vs. South. This will not be so cleanly divided. It will be state against state, city against city, brother against brother. Your neighbor could become your enemy. Are you prepared to end his life? This is America. What makes us strong is our ability to stand together, one solid force against those who would have us fall. I can almost guarantee Al Qaeda is watching the news and smiling... waiting... knowing what will come. And when we are at our weakest, when we're in the middle of combat with our friends, our family, they will strike, and they will win. And if they don't, it won't matter, because the discord among us will tear the country to pieces.

Yes, this is a sad day for America, indeed.

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