I just realized my last post was back in October. So my followers, you faithful few: Without further ado....
I've been quite busy with school, family drama, kids, etc... Too busy, apparently, to remember much of anything else. I rarely think to pee when I need to, much less update my blog. Which brings me to the focus of my writing today - DECOMPRESSION.
DECOMPRESSION, according to the most reliable Wikipedia, is defined as the release of pressure; something which I have not had the opportunity to do in some time. The occasional (and brief) visit with a girlfriend here and there certainly helps, but I need away. I need time. I need to be without distraction, without noise, and without demand for an extended period of time. (A spa weekend would be lovely, and would certainly do the trick. But, really, who has that kind of money??)
I tried meditation, a sort of vacation experience right in your living room, but found I had much too difficult a time focusing on relaxing that I wound up more stressed than when I began, and resorted to eating half a dozen Valentine's chocolates instead. I tried playing my guitar, which was fun for a few minutes, but then I got frusterated that I couldn't remember half the songs I used to, and decided having a bowl of ice cream would be a much better way of coping with my stress level. Sometimes it helps me de-stress to talk to a long-distance friend on the phone, but we usually wind up talking about (and drooling over) things that sound good to eat, so I wind up back in the kitchen. I'm not sure why I haven't gained weight accordingly, but I've been eating my weight in junk food on a daily basis. I really need to find a better way of dealing with this, I think...
I'm very excited for the upcoming MegaMeet in May (upcoming...yet sooooo far away!). This will give me the opportunity to be SOMEWHERE ELSE, sans-kids, sans-husband, sans-drama (drama and Shannan just plain don't go hand-in-hand, which is why I love her so much. She's like a constant breath of fresh air)... It will be exactly what I need to keep myself from going nuts. Which I haven't been doing lately. At all.
It's been so long since I felt like I could just relax. The last time I had an extended break from being Mommy 24/7 was when I had my gallbladder out last January. And as little as that sounds like a vacation, I actually kind of enjoyed the silence. That was the only time someone else has taken care of Hayley for longer than a couple hours since she's been born (aside form MegaMeet last year...which I don't really count because the hubby called me every couple hours). I love my little munchkin, but I'm being drained of all vitality and youth here!
I probably sound like the world's worst mom, and that's okay. I know I love my kids, and I know they mean the world to me and that I'd do anything for them. And they know that too, which, let's face it, that's the most important thing. Now, if you'll excuse me... I hear a brownie calling my name. ~*PEACE*~